August 8, 2008

Free To Succeed

I truly don't know where to begin with this one because this was one night, one wild night that made my head spin and so far it hasn't stopped!!!  On Wednesday night I attended the much anticipated "Free To Succeed" seminar in Los Angeles put on by no other than David Jay and Jasmine Star.  You all remember how excited I was a few months back to meet Mike Colón and Jessica Claire at the Missional Photography class arranged by Dane Sanders.  After that I thought I was pretty darn happy.  Then DJ and Jasmine announce this tour and I thought "hollllllla!" (that was for you, Jasmine!)

So the day comes and I get there and immediately Jasmine and her wonderful husband, JD come up to me and she says hi and introduces her to me.  I shake her hand back and introduce myself and think to myself "I don't just want to shake her hand, I know everything about her.  I even know what she ate the other night in San Diego!"  So I do what any friend would do and threw my arms around her and gave her a big hug.  She was so gracious and wonderful and everything I expected her to be.  

The seminar, for any of you living in cities it is coming to, was the bargain of a lifetime for the knowledge that was shared.  DJ and Jasmine filled us with so much information on marketing, branding, how, to, why and why not that we all walked away with the tools we need to be hugely successful in photography.  I was truly grateful to be sitting in that room.  A room, by the way, in which many were sitting that made we want to jump up and down and scream. Becker, Robert Evans, Jules Bianchi, just to name a few.  Jules is one lady I have wanted to meet for years.  When I started in photography I quickly found her website and blog and literally studied each and every image she posted as I was so mesmerized by her work.  So, to meet her was quite special to me.  Here is a long-awaited photo of the two of us together.

photo by David White of Photocatering

I find myself in a world surrounded by people I have come to not only love, but deeply respect.  One thing that David Jay brought out that has resonated in me every since that evening is that we all need in this life to encourage one another and lift each other up.  The greatest joy I could ever have when I look back someday at the end of my career is that I helped others achieve their dreams through encouragement as so many have done for me.  What could be better than that?

Keeping it real (K.I.R.)

2 comments: said...

Hello Cindy.....

I just wanted to say thank you for the mention on your blog. I was humbled you were excited I was in the room at DJ's tour.

If you are ever up in LA please stop by the studio and say Hello....

Cindy Meadors said...

My husband and I were out for our 16th anniversary dinner when I get an email telling me that Robert Evans has posted on my blog, I was absolutely thrilled. What an honor! It would be my greatest pleasure to stop by your studio and visit, very soon!