It's official. My kids have fallen in love with photography! I had no idea it was going to hit them so hard, so quickly! Of all the shoots to be their first, this one was THE one to get their juices flowing. An appropriate comparison would be having your first steak dinner at Morton's Steak House versus Sizzler. If you start at the top there's no where to go except up, up and up. Now remember that my son is 14 and in my mind (obviously complete denial) he has no interest in girls whatsoever. HA!!!! Was I ever wrong!!!! Then I remembered being 14 and completely boy crazy and as soon as this all started I realized that he was living a fantasy come true. When I first asked him to assist us in shooting he gave me this answer like I was asking him to go stand in front of a moving truck. However, when I casually added that we would be shooting 4 very lovely 15-year old girls he just turned to me and said, "ok, I'll go!" Funny how you can so easily persuade a 14 year old boy to do something, isn't it. It wasn't just the girls that did it for him, I think he truly saw the magic that we all feel when we shoot. It's indescribable really, it's the ultimate high in my opinion to create something special that you KNOW the person will treasure for the rest of their life. My daughter loved it as well, maybe not as much as her brother but between the two of them I think everyone should look out because my two YOUNG GUNS are on their way to the top!!!!! Here are a few favorites.............

(this next one is priceless! They're both checking out the histogram even though they have no idea what it is!!)

The lovely young women being photographed. Goodness!!!! I did NOT look like that at 15, it's totally unfair!

I LOVE this one and it is now proudly displayed in my home!

This is a trademark Cindy Meadors Photography shot, I'll do practically anything for "the shot!"

Imagine it, do it and LIVE IT!!!!!
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