June 14, 2008

Why I Love Dogs

It is safe to say that I am absolutely crazy about dogs, almost to the point of ridiculous. I love them, all of them. I go up to dogs that I have just met and after a few moments I find myself kissing them like they belong to me. They aren't called "man's best friend" without reason. It's because they are loyal to their owners and family through and through. My dog, Jonah, is one of the brightest rays of light in my life, other than God and my family and friends. I adore him and he has brought me so much joy. I decided to spotlight some special dogs I have photographed lately and will continue on a regular basis to showcase special animals in my life and business. Another division of Cindy Meadors Photography called "Pawsitively Priceless" is soon to come and will be all about dogs. How awesome is that!!!!!!

Here are a few of my favorites, I hope you enjoy them!!

This first one, of course, is of my darling Jonah.  He is really something!

This little angel is an adorable Maltese named "Emmett."  He is like a huge ball of fluff!!!

I ran into this dog in downtown Santa Ana, he was just going for this soda like crazy. I was using a 85mm f/1.2 lens. Everything I have heard about this lens is true. It's like "butter!!!!"  

This dog was just hanging out at a photo shoot I was at and couldn't resist.

"If you can dream it, you can do it"


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