For those of you who are interested in serving in a missions capacity, ROCKharbor has launched it's summer program called the GO Campaign in which 2000 people from our church last year gave themselves away and either donated money or went on one of these trips and made a difference in thousand of lives and many worthy causes across the world. If you are interested please check out the serving opportunities here.
Below are my images being critiqued by Dane, Jessica & Mike. It was scary and thrilling at the same time!! The assignment was to take two portraits, one being a stranger and the other someone you know. They first tried to match up which two images went to the same photographer and then decided who was the stranger and who was the person we knew. It was a fun assignment as I got to meet a very lovely young lady who became the subject of my stranger photo.

Me and Mike Colón (what a wonderful man!!!)
The ever talented, ever so lovely Jessica Claire
THANK YOU Dane Sanders, Jessica Claire and Mike Colón for donating your time, sharing your talents and your hearts with all of us. I am truly humbled by your generosity.