December 28, 2008

Chris & Rae Lynn's Engagement

Chris is an important person in my life and my son's life. Chris is my son's life group leader, the man who leads him and his 9th grade male friends through the challenges of being a christian teenage in this difficult world. He's a rather important person in his life, I'd say. In the short time Ryan has known him he has had a huge influence on both his spiritual life as well as his growth and maturity into manhood.

Rae Lynn is a leader in middle school and is on staff at our church. Over the last few years I have had the privilege of watching her lead these kids with her amazing ability of making people laugh. She has this infectious personality, to be around her is pure joy - always. When it hit me that these two phenomenal people not only found each other but had fallen madly in love, I was so ecstatic, almost giddy! This is the first of two engagement shoots and I had the BEST time spending the day with them in beautiful Laguna Beach by the Montage Hotel. Chris and Rae Lynn, I am so excited for you both!! The best is yet to come!

To view their slideshow **** CLICK HERE *****

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